Spiced Plum Coconut Chia Seed Pudding

We've been fuelling up in the mornings on variations of avocado, eggs, rye bread and smoked salmon for quite some time now in our house. Although I (thought) I could eat this all day long; the combinations are (nearly) endless, it's super healthy, it actually keeps me full until lunchtime etc. etc. it's beginning to look (and taste) a bit like Groundhog Day! 

I'm always meaning to make more chia seed pudding, I'm kinda still getting into it's texture, but love it's creamy flavour and the fact that you can prepare it the night before, making a pretty much instantaneous breakfast. I had a bowl of plums which needed using up too so quickly made a batch of this delicious (so tangy!) plum compote, and voila, Groundhog Day no more!! 

p.s. bonus brownie points - it actually kept me so full to even beyond lunch time!

Spiced Plum Coconut Chia Seed Pudding

Serves 2

You are likely to have more plum compote than you'll need for this recipe, but that's not a problem at all as it tastes so delicious, keep in the fridge and have with yoghurt or on toast.


1/4 cup chia seeds
1 cup coconut milk 
1/2 cup almond milk, other nut milk or water
1/2 tsp vanilla

400g plums
1tbsp honey
juice of 1/2 a lemon
2 star anise

flaked toasted coconut
mixed seeds
any other toppings you like!


Mix the chia seeds, coconut milk, almond milk/water and vanilla in a bowl until combined and leave in the fridge overnight.

Stone and chop the plums into small chunks, add to a saucepan with the honey, lemon juice and star anise, bring to a simmer over a medium heat and cook, stirring until the plums have broken down and you are left with a nice compote (you might need to add a splash of water depending on how juicy the plums are to stop catching on the bottom). Leave the plum compote to cool then put in the fridge until morning.

When ready to eat, layer up the plum compote and chia seed pudding, top with flaked coconut, seeds and anything else you might like (honey etc. if you need some extra sweetness) and enjoy!


  1. Janice Fellows01 October, 2014

    It looks really pretty, I've tried chia seeds before & agree with you that the texture does take some getting used to but will definitely give it a go, would be also nice with blackberries or other soft fruit.
