Work in progress...

Coppa London
A few more of those things that have been bubbling away have come to fruition!

For starters my first article for This is Your Kingdom was published yesterday! Very exciting, especially as it was featured in their newsletter, hoping some of you lovely peeps might have seen it already? If not, sign up here!

Secondly we have been madly scurrying away to get ready for #BloggerSaturday at Street Feast this Saturday. It is our first foray into the world of street food (that is, preparing it, rather than eating it! We have certainly eaten our fair share of street food in the past). Its been quite a journey devising our menu, finding suppliers, ordering massive amounts of squid, rolling 100 paper cones and sourcing equipment! All in 3 days!

We are going to be making Fritto Misto with home made Aioli inspired by our travels to Italy last year (tempting photo below)!

Hoping some of you can make it down to try our Fritto Misto and say hi, its always lovely to meet anyone who might take the time to read my little ramblings!


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